Justin Brunelle (b. 1970 Bronxville, NY) a versatile artist who works on multiple fronts from curatorial, design, literary, performance and the visual arts. 

Brunelle studied at Hartwick College and SUNY Purchase in New York.  With a strong foundation in early modernists’ works, such as Kandinsky and Matisse, Brunelle has honed his craft over the last three decades.  His main body of work, FACES, is a reflection his physical and mental state, driven by the repetition of forms.

From 2003 to 2007, Brunelle, opened  and ran Soke Fine Art in Colorado, representing artists from the Rocky Mountain region.  After a period of travel he lived in New York City from 2010 to 2020, developing NYCAesthetic, an outlet to promote the diversity of arts and beauty in the New York City through publications and exhibitions.  Presently, living and working in Connecticut, the artists’ focus is entirely on developing new bodies of work.

Contact: sokeart@gmail.com